Once upon a time (it was actually1989) on my friends bookshelf, I discovered Janet and Allan Ahlberg’s classic book, The Jolly Postman. It blew my 7 year old mind! I spent hours pouring over that book; every clever little letter, postcard and flyer out of each envelope page. The illustrations soft and friendly, yet full of minute detail. It lit a fire for Children’s literature that has only grown with age. Oliver Jeffers, Julia Donaldson/Axel Scheffler, Quintin Blake, Drew Daywalt, Christian Robinson, Margaret Blois Graham, Lynley Dodd, Eric Carle are but a few of my author and illustrator heroes. I began writing my own children’s stories on my bus rides home from work and I hope to one day illustrate them. One story is about a childhood character I made up called Capt’n Fisheater, a pirate cat. Others are inspired from ideas and experiences of my boys. One day, I hope to illustrate and write a children’s story of my own.